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Get to know 5 Conversations – Conversation 2 – Agreeing mutual expectations

One of the most important aspects of any workplace is the establishment of mutual expectations. Mutual expectations refer to the set of standards, behaviours, and outcomes that both parties agree on in order to achieve success and maintain a positive work environment. When these expectations are agreed upon and communicated effectively, it can lead to greater job satisfaction, increased productivity, and a more harmonious workplace. In this article, we will discuss the importance of agreeing on mutual expectations in the workplace, and how to do so effectively.

Get to know 5 Conversations – Conversation 2 – Agreeing mutual expectations. This conversation matters because in today’s world of work, we are all mutually dependent. This conversation is therefore fundamentally about agreeing a motivating two-way contract of support between two people at work that are mutually dependent for success in achieving their goals. We share our approach for not just what we are seeking at work, but why it matters and then being clear on the expectations we can hold of colleagues in supporting these outcomes.

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Our popular 5 Conversations programme draws on over 35 years of insight and experience to look at how authentic two-way human conversations build relationships, trust and engagement at work.

Engaged employees are more productive, drive innovation forwards and are more loyal to your organisation making 5 Conversations a key tool to drive business performance.

We have recently updated the 5 Conversations programme and book to include:

Whether or not you’ve attended a 5 Conversations workshop, the book is a valuable resource for exploring and practicing its concepts. It covers the importance of each conversation, provides guidance on initiation, offers sample dialogues, and presents a structured approach. Experience the first two chapters for a preview of what’s to come and what you can expect.